• Course Information

    Over a two year course you will develop a range of practical skills and theoretical knowledge in the areas of life stages, anatomy and physiology and safeguarding children and adults. Many students who enjoy and successfully complete this course progress onto Higher Education or employment in the Health and Social Care industry. Areas include anatomy, communication, nutrition, equality, psychology, sociology, public health and health education.

    • Course Code
    • Attendance Pattern
    • Course Level
      Level 3
    • Study Mode
      Full Time
    • Course Location
      Langdale Road, Leyland
    • Age Group
      School Leavers (16-18)
    • Course Duration
      2 years
    Download course information Apply today
  • Overview

    This course develops the skills and knowledge required for those who wish to pursue a career in Health and Social care. You will enjoy work experience in carefully selected placements and study units covering different aspects within this field. Some of the core units studied are Sociological Perspectives for Health and Social Care, Developing Effective Communication in Health, and Social Care and Development Through the Life Stages.

    Placement is essential for completion of the course and therefore you must be willing to work in a variety of settings. Current settings include: care homes, day centres, disability resource centres, schools, special schools and nurseries. You will also need to demonstrate good interpersonal skills, be open-minded and have a caring nature/professional attitude.

    You will develop skills and knowledge required for a career in health & social care. Units covered include: Working in HSC, Nutritional Requirements, Infection prevention and Public Health. A minimum of 100 hours work placement, in a HSC setting.

    Please note that due to the placements you will have you will need to complete a Disclosure and Barring Services (DBS) check to confirm you do not have any cautions or convictions which would put in question your suitability to work in these areas.

    Course Highlights:

    Visiting speakers, outstanding health facilities and industry placements

    Enhanced DBS – During your course you will attend a placement, in a workplace related to your course. Due to this, you are required to complete a DBS (Disclosure and Barring Service) check which is a criminal records background check to assess whether you are suitable to work with vulnerable people, such as children and vulnerable adults. The college will guide you through the online application process, however you will have to produce identification as part of this. Information about what a DBS check is and the ID required to process your application can be found here.

    We strongly advise you to obtain the ID required as soon as possible, so your application isn’t delayed.


  • Entry Requirements

    A minimum of 5 x Grade 4s, Maths or English Language/Literature at Grade 4 and the other at Grade 3. Must complete a DBS. Grade 4 in English Language and Science if intending to progress to nursing.

  • How will I be assessed?

    Assessments include: written assignments, case studies, posters, leaflets, role plays and presentations.

  • Progression Pathway

    Many students go on to further study at universities such as Liverpool, Salford and Edge Hill whilst many also progress to careers in social work, teaching or psychology.

  • National Careers Service

    For guidance about what careers subjects can lead on to please follow this link to the National Careers Service.

  • Disclosure and Barring Services (DBS) for 16-18 Students

    Students applying for this course undertake work placements with children and vulnerable people as part of their course. It is a requirement that all students complete a Disclosure and Barring Services (DBS) check to confirm they do not have any cautions or convictions which would put in question their suitability to work in these areas. Students who do have convictions may not be able to complete this course. You will need to provide 3 ID documents. These can include; Birth Certificate, Driving License, Passport, Bank statement or a letter.

    If this is a cause for concern please speak in confidence to a member of the Schools Liaison team, contact the Head of School or discuss this at one of the College Open Evenings.